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Album cover art which resembles a 70's/80's trading card from some sci-fi movie. The artist name Fugue State is at the top in large, rounded letters on a red background, with a sparse star field visible inside the lettering. Beneath the name is a rectangular area with a border around a graphic showing the view of a planet from orbit, as might be seen in the viewscreen of a starship. Towards the bottom of the orbital view is the album title, Coming Through, presented as though it might be a message on said viewscreen. The orbital view, including the album title/message, also has scanlines, adding to the retro sci-fi vibe.
Coming Through
Fugue State


Available formats: FLAC, MP3
Payment options:
Option 1

Paypal.me - donate via paypal

Option 2

Ko-fi - donate via ko-fi

Option 3

LiberaPay - donate (one-time or recurring) via LiberaPay
